Family of Lillie^8 Mae Van Wicklin

(Photo is of Lillie Mae (Van Wicklin) Vowels and a grandchild)
Lillie^8 Mae Van Wicklin (James^7, Garret^6, Isaac^5, Paul^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1
Jeppes), b. 1888, Colbourne,
Married: George Edwin Vowels on 22 October 1909 in Burk's Falls, Ontario, CAN
1. Norman Vowels (b. abt. 1909)
2. Myrtle Vowels (b. abt. 1911)
3. Leonard Vowels (b. abt. 1913)
4. Vernon Vowels (b. abt. 1914)
5. Clifford Vowels (b. abt. 1916; d. of cancer in 1977)
6. Arthur Vowels (b. abt. 1920)
7. Audrey Vowels (b. abt. 1928)
Photo below is of Audrey Vowels who now lives with her husband on the Lillie Mae Homestead in Parry Sound, Ontario.
Photo taken by Marg Graham-Trottman on a recent (July, 2000) visit with Audrey.

Lillie's parents are James and Isabella (Wright) Van Wicklin
G. Edwin's parents are ______________.
Background information:
Lillie^8 Mae Van Wicklin (James^7, Garret^6, Isaac^5, Paul^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) was b. 1888 in
Colbourne, Ontario and died at Parry Sound District General Hospital on 31 Marcvh 1984, age 95 years. She is the daughter of
James and Isabella (Wright) Van Wicklin. Lillie moved at a very young age with her parents to Sundridge, Ontario. She is
listed with her parents in the 1901 Strong Township Census as "Vanwicklan, Lilly M., female, daughter, single, 16 March 1888,
Ontario, 12" She became a teacher at age 16 in Oranmore, then moved to Lockerne where she met Ed Vowels, her
husband...and they lived there. She m. Ed on 22 October 1909 in Burk's Falls, Ontario, CAN. Ed Vowels worked in logging
camps and Lillie May was cook and bookkeeper. Lillie's daughter, Audrey (Vowels) Smith and Audrey's husband retired from
Falconbridge Nickel Mines about 1987 and live on parents' farm which they bought in 1959. Lillie Mae, at the time of her death
was survived by 23 grandchildren (all present at her funeral) and 36 great grandchildren and two great great
Photo is of Ed and Lillie Mae (Van Wicklin) Vowel's farm in Parry Sound, Ontario. Lillie Mae's daughter, Audrey, lives on this
land now. The barn dates back to Lillie Mae's time. A silo next to the barn and a farmhouse to the left of the barn have been
torn down. The painting below on the saw blade exists (photographed by Marg Trottman in Audrey's house) shows the

Children: Norman Vowels of Parry Sound (b. abt. 1909);
Myrtle Vowels of McKeller (b. abt. 1911) m. Garfield Jackson;
Leonard Vowels (b. abt. 1913) and Vernon Vowels (b. abt. 1914), both of McKeller;
Clifford Vowels (b. abt. 1916; d. of cancer in 1977);
Arthur Vowels (b. abt. 1920) of Orillia; and Audrey Vowels (b. abt. 1928) of Sudbury, who m. Burton Smith.
Marriage Certificate: (information provided in 20 February 2002 email from Marg Trottman Graham)
May Van Wicklin 22 October 1909, Burk's Falls, Ontario, CAN
1871 Ontario Census
1891 Cramahe Township Census
1901 Strong Township Census
Personal correspondence from Georgi VAN Sills and Marg Graham-Trottman and an email (October 1999) from Audrey
(Vowels) Smith (to Georgi Sills)